Release body:
Contact information:
Sub Headline:
BWTag XPath
BWHashTag XPath
BWCashTag XPath
Social Media Profile XPath
//NewsML/NewsItem/NewsComponent/Metadata[MetadataType/@FormalName='BWSocialMediaProfile']/Property[@Scheme='BWSocialMediaProfile' and @FormalName='Profile']/@ValueRef
Social Media Profile XPath for a specific Network
//NewsML/NewsItem/NewsComponent/Metadata[MetadataType/@FormalName='BWSocialMediaProfile']/Property[@Scheme='BWSocialMediaProfile' and @FormalName='Profile' and @Value='Twitter']/@ValueRef
Smart Multimedia XPath (Role: "Smart Multimedia")
/NewsML/NewsItem/NewsComponent/NewsComponent/NewsComponent[Role/@FormalName='Smart Multimedia']/ContentItem/DataContent/html/body/div
Smart Multimedia, with the desired Role and Format included:
/NewsML/NewsItem/NewsComponent/NewsComponent/NewsComponent[Role/@FormalName='<ROLE>']/ContentItem[Format/@FormalName='XHTML']/DataContent/[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='html']/[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='body']/*[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='div']
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), containing recommended styles for all of the XHTML content within the NewsML Document:
Note: Each piece of XHTML content in a Business Wire NewsML release is a complete XHTML document. Therefore to assemble these into one HTML view of this release, only the first paragraph from each XHTML content item is needed. Add the following to any of the XPaths listed above, except the XPath to the CSS content, to retrieve the HTML content starting with the first paragraph.
/*[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='html']/*[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='body']/*[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='p'][1]
For more information please contact:
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