Business Wire NXv5 -Frequently Asked Questions

Business Wire is pleased to provide more details about NXv5 and share the most frequently asked questions about this premiere delivery system.
Q. What OS will NXv5 use?
A. NXv5 will run on any recent version of Linux, OSX and Windows. The software version of NX has been run successfully on several versions of these Operating Systems. We suggest that you download the software version that you want to use, install it and see how easy it is to configure and use.
Q. How long does it take to install and configure NXv5?
A. After your network administrators set up the firewall rules, from start to finish, 15 minutes. It's that easy!
Q. Will I have to buy new hardware?
A. It really depends on what you have in-house. We have no way of testing the myriad configurations possible. NXv5 is easy to install and test so we recommend that approach on hardware you already own before making a new purchase. An example of a successful installation is that we have installed NXv5 on the Amazon cloud and it works great. So that is a  hardware-less option for you to try.
Q. What are the recommended system requirements to run NXv5:
A. Minimum System Requirements
• Java 7 or higher (Business Wire recommends using Oracle Java, version 7)
• 2 GB disk space
• 4 GB RAM
Recommended Operating Systems:
The NX Client software is written in Java and will likely run on any operating system with Java 7 or higher installed. However, it is impossible to test with every possible operating system. Business Wire strongly recommends a recent Intel-based system running Linux or OSX. Testing is performed on the following operating systems:
• OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
• Debian 6 or 7
• Ubuntu 12.x
• Oracle Linux 5.5
• Suse Linux 11
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3
Other operating systems may work, but are not tested or recommended by Business Wire.
Q. If I am an FTP user, can I still use my FTP infrastructure to get news releases from NXv5?
A. Yes, NXv5 has an FTP server built-in as part of the platform and will seamlessly replicate the FTP system we use now to send news releases to you with many enhanced benefits over a traditional FTP server such as automatic retransmits, faster delivery, and near instantaneous notification and support from Business Wire if your connection or software fails.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact:
We are excited about our news delivery network and know that you'll appreciate the new options available.