A Guide for the Web User

Interactive Media Images and Videos are a new type of multimedia content from Business Wire.  A picture or video by itself is static, but by adding some simple scripting to the content, Business Wire has created an engaging multimedia package that is more likely to generate interest and clicks on your page.

Both the Images and Videos have mouse-over links that allow a website visitor to share the content over social media sites or click to view additional content visually — users no longer have to click a hyperlinked word.  The picture or video becomes an interactive and socially shareable asset.

Interactive media is easy to use and implement on your site.  We’ve tested the Interactive Media on WordPress, Drupal, LifeRay, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Tumblr and Instagram. If you need help enabling the content, please check the guides below or visit our Interactive Media Image and Video Frequently Asked Questions.

Interactive Media and NewsML Users

New Types of HTML Content and Multimedia Assets

Four new News Components and Content Items have been added to Business Wire's NewsML. The new content is called Smart/Interactive Media and is XHTML and Javascript encapsulating video, images, documents, third party links, and other content into a shareable, embeddable, and interactive self-contained unit. There are four types of Smart Multimedia:

  • Smart Image – picture or infographic with animated hotspots
  • Smart Video – video with animated hotspots
  • Smart News Module – microsite or flipbook that includes content all with multiple hotspots
  • Smart News Module Video – microsite or flipbook with a video that includes content all with multiple hotspots

Sample stories on the Web with Interactive Media enabled:

Story on BusinessWire.com

Story on LinkedIn

News Components associated with the new Smart Multimedia include:

The new content will be available in the NewsComponent Role = "Smart Multimedia".

There will be several Smart Multimedia subtypes. The subtypes will be identified by a Property element of the DescriptiveMetadata element of the Smart Multimedia NewsComponent, with a FormalName of "SubType".

( ./NewsComponent/DescriptiveMetadata/Property[@FormalName="SubType"]/@Value )

Smart Multimedia NewsComponent XPath:

In Business Wire NewsML, "Smart Multimedia" will be contained within NewsComponent/ContentItem/DataContent as complete XHTML documents. The XHTML documents will consist of content to be included on a site for presenting the "Smart Multimedia". These elements will be contained in the <body> of the XHTML document. The user is intended to extract only the div containing the Smart Multimedia, and its contents, and insert this into their HTML page.

Business Wire recommends extracting this data by XPath as the simplest method. The following are the XPath queries for each of the new NewsComponents.

Smart Multimedia XPath (Role: "Smart Multimedia")

/NewsML/NewsItem/NewsComponent/NewsComponent/NewsComponent[Role/@FormalName='Smart Multimedia']/ContentItem/DataContent/html/body/div

Smart Multimedia may be retrieved using the following XPath, with the desired Role and Format included:

/NewsML/NewsItem/NewsComponent/NewsComponent/NewsComponent[Role/@FormalName='<ROLE>']/ContentItem[Format/@FormalName='XHTML']/DataContent/*[namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' and local-name()='html']/*[namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' and local-name()='body']/*[namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' and local-name()='div']

Smart Multimedia NewsComponent

<Role FormalName="Smart Multimedia" />
<Property FormalName="VID_ID" Value="8011338"/>
<Language FormalName="en" />
<Property FormalName="Rank" Value="1" />
<Property FormalName="SubType" Value="Smart Image" />
<ContentItem Duid="c72245248">
<Format FormalName="XHTML"/>
<MimeType FormalName="text/xhtml"/>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<div class="bwsmartmedia">
<object data="//embed.wirewax.com/8011338/" width="100%" height="100%">
<p>iframes are not supported by your browser.</p>

For additional help with Business Wire NewsML, please review our NewsML Tools Site or e-mail: MRT_Techs_Group@businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your Drupal Site

Getting Interactive Media on your Drupal site is easy and only takes 1 step. 

  1. Use the <iframe> embed code

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="//embed.wirewax.com/8061646/" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here is a link to the Interactive Media RSS feed: 



Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your Facebook Page

Getting Interactive Media on your Facebook page is easy and only takes 1 step. 

  1. Use the embed code

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:


Here's a link to the Interactive Media RSS feed:



Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

It will appear as an Image Card that links to the full viewing experience.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your Liferay Site

Getting Interactive Media on your Liferay site is easy and only takes 1 step. 

  1. Use the <iframe> embed code

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:

<iframe width="768" height="432" src="https://embed.wirewax.com/8064942" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here's a link to the Interactive Media RSS feed:



Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your LinkedIn Page

Getting Interactive Media on your LinkedIn page is easy and only takes 1 step. 

  1. Use the embed code

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:


Here's a link to the Interactive Media RSS feed:



Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

It will appear as an Image Card that links to the full viewing experience.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your SnapChat Site

Getting Interactive Media on your SnapChat site is easy and only takes 1 step. 

  1. WIREWAX is an official Snapchat partner as interactive video partner. Videos can be used inside Snapchat through Snap Ads Web View
    • Use the WIREWAX iframe as described above.

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="//embed.wirewax.com/8061646/" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

Snap Ads Web View is required.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your Tumblr Site

Getting Interactive Media on your Tumblr site is easy and only takes 1 step. 

  1. Use the embed code

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:


Link to the Interactive Media RSS feed:



Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

It will appear as an Image Card that links to the full viewing experience.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your Twitter Page

Getting Interactive Media on your Twitter site is easy and only takes 2 steps. 

  1. Use the Player Card Approval form from Twitter
  2. Use the embed code and the tweet you send will include the Interactive Media

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:


Here's the link to the Interactive Media RSS feed: https://feed.businesswire.com/rss/interactivemedia/?rss=G1QFDERJXkJdF15YWg==


Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

To embed through the publisher’s own Twitter account, they must gain Player Card approval from Twitter.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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How to Enable Interactive Media on your WordPress Site

Getting Interactive Media on your WordPress site is easy and only takes 3 steps. 

  1. Open your WordPress Business account.
  2. Add the Embed.ly plugin.
  3. Add the embed code to your post or page and see the Interactive Image or Video on the page with the entire interactive experience.

This is a sample of the embed code you’ll use on your site:


Here's a link to our Interactive Media RSS feed:



Each Interactive Media asset has a unique identifying number in the URL.

For WordPress, the Business account is needed to install the embed.ly plugin. This is the only WordPress account type where you can embed the Wirewax asset onto a page and view the full interactivity there, without having to click out to Wirewax.com.

If you have any problems enabling the content please contact MRT_Techs_Group@Businesswire.com

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